Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Post

30 tonnes, 30 mph
So, just to get this out of the way - I have no idea how often or how well I will be able to update this blog. If everything goes well it should give me a space to let people at home find out what is happening and a place for me to record things so as to make sense of them later on. I apologize in advance for infrequency, incoherence and lengthy ruminations on just how truly terrifying monkeys are in real life (although hippos are apparently a more reasonable cause for concern)

The rough itinerary:
Arrive November 19th and spend two days prepping in Kampala
One week in Lira conducting interviews with teachers, community leaders, parents and students
One day in Murchison Falls National Park
One week in Gulu doing the same as in Lira
Home on December 4th (ish)


  1. Happy Travels Marc. I'm looking forward to your adventure, while I'm getting ready for my own.

  2. Helllooo. Don't you know hippos are dangerous? They're hungry. Didn't Milton Breadley teach you anything?

    We love you and are proud to know ye.

    Chrissy, Humpy and Buddy Swarbrick
